1: 1. Cleanse your face daily. 2. Moisturize morning and night. 3. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week.

2: 4. Protect skin with SPF. 5. Keep nails clean and trimmed. 6. Use gentle shampoo and conditioner.

3: 7. Brush and floss teeth regularly. 8. Visit dentist biannually. 9. Shave or wax as needed.

4: 10. Trim and shape eyebrows. 11. Use deodorant daily. 12. Wash makeup brushes weekly.

5: 13. Drink plenty of water. 14. Eat a balanced diet. 15. Get enough sleep.

6: 16. Limit sugar and alcohol intake. 17. Exercise regularly. 18. Practice stress-relief techniques.

7: 19. Wear clean clothes. 20. Use fragrance sparingly. 21. Change pillowcases frequently.

8: 22. Remove makeup before bed. 23. Take short, lukewarm showers. 24. Wear sunscreen on exposed skin.

9: 25. Maintain personal hygiene. 26. See a dermatologist if needed. 27. Embrace self-care routines.