1: 1. Tony and Ziva reunite 2. Explosive chemistry 3. NCIS fans rejoice

2: 4. New adventures await 5. Spinoff excitement builds 6. Dynamic duo returns

3: 7. Intrigue and suspense 8. Emotional rollercoaster ahead 9. Unmissable TV event

4: 10. The cat and mouse game 11. Uncovering hidden truths 12. Thrilling plot twists

5: 13. Nostalgia meets new beginnings 14. Action-packed drama unfolds 15. Fans eagerly anticipate

6: 16. Love, loss, and redemption 17. A fresh take on a classic 18. The return of an iconic duo

7: 19. Character-driven storytelling 20. Compelling mysteries unravel 21. Unforgettable moments await

8: 22. Banter and humor return 23. Strong bonds tested 24. Riveting storytelling

9: 25. Intricate web of secrets 26. Teamwork makes the dream work 27. The legacy continues